Svenska English
General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
As of May 25th 2018 the General Data Protection Regulation is in effect within the European Union. The purpose is to strengthen the protection for all individuals when their personal data is handled. This affects föranmä because personal data is used by the service. GDPR is replacing the older Swedish law personuppgiftslagen (PUL).
By using föranmä
- When you register your own personal data in föranmä you have to give your consent that this information will be used. You can further more manually choose which information to give besides those that are necessary for the service to be used.
- If you register personal data other than your own, these persons have to be of legal age and you need lawful grounds for personal data processing for the registration.
- There has to be a need of the personal data that is registered, i.e. no unnecessary information shall be registered.
Who have access to your personal data?
- All users that are registered in the same account have access to each other’s personal data under that account.
- All users that are registered under the same account has access to personal data that has been registered in the errands that are connected to the account.
- When an entrepreneur sends an errand to a chosen network owner their account will also be linked to that errand and therefore they also have access to personal data which are registered in that errand.
- In the same sense the account of an entrepreneur is given access to personal data in an errand provided by a network owner.
- Mirakelbolaget does not hand out registered users personal data to anyone but the ones mentioned above.
- Mirakelbolaget does not use registered personal data for any other purpose than what is necessary for föranmä to function.
- For an errand to be deleted entirely from föranmä both the entrepreneur and the network owner need to delete the errand if the entrepreneur has at any point sent the errand to the network owner. If an errand never has been sent to a network owner it is enough for the entrepreneur to delete the errand.
- Personal data that has been registered in an errand will remain as long as the errand is registered in the service.
- If you are a user of föranmä you can delete your account if you want your personal data to be deleted. You can also contact Mirakelbolaget if you want assistance with deleting your personal data.
- Contact Mirakelbolaget immediately if you suspect that someone is abusing personal data in föranmä
- All registered data in föranmä is stored on servers located in Sweden.